I fell hard into the straight razor world a little over a year ago and ive recently taken the added plunge into trying to make new scales now and can use some help/knowledge/insight from any experienced makers please.

my question is this… how do you NOT get small particles of compound caused by a final buffing/polishing in between the scales and wedge? its noticeable whenever I use a transparent or translucent scale material and drives me nuts yet I cant figure out how to avoid it. I sand the scales + wedge down to their final seamless shape but if i then do a final polish on the buffer I get the tiny unwanted particles mentioned above. and if i sand the scales + wedge down to their final seamless shape and instead take everything apart to do a final polish separately (thus avoiding the unwanted particles) the pieces don’t perfectly (re)align seamlessly any longer since polishing separately – instead of together – rounds the inner edges just ever so slightly and im back to going nuts again.

is the answer that I cant use the wheel for this last step? and if so, what materials do I need to use to buff out all the scratches and polish the scales + wedge to its final, smooth finish without any unwanted ‘travelers’?

thank you all in advance for any information or solutions you can provide.