Few people "got" Picasso or Jackson Pollock in their day, either-I think a true artist has to trust his/her intuition. I think your black/brown WB will look way cool, Joseph-you're not capable of making an ugly razor.
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Kind words.
Many thanks :)
True. Think of James Brown. Not for everyone maybe. He makes my wife gnash her teeth but you have to admit he was definitely bold and that has a redeeming quality of it's own. Whether I like them or not I respect someone who has the stones to be just that bold. But it has to be that you believe in it, not just done for shock value like... Oh, say Dennis rodman for instance.
I just had the same thing happen on two razors I scaled a few weeks ago. They were out of a 3/8 thick blank that I made two sets of book matched scales from. One side was black the other translucent with black streaks. I went through the emotional stages: irritation, acceptance (because I wasn’t going to throw away or start over), and then the look grew on me after they were finished. One side was almost perfectly black and the other side is semi translucent but they look more charcoal than brown. I think you can’t really go wrong and is what I like about natural scales, to a point.
You guys could start a new "Mis-matched Scales" club (totally probably not kidding!). And for anybody who's got the nerve to try it, how about bone or ivory on one side, and black horn on the other. Make the wedge horn on top, bone on bottom (or vice versa). Could look cool!?:hmmm:
And Paul, I seriously dig James Brown; he was from just down the road in Augusta, SC.
One Scale is translucent brown the other is gorgeous imo..
Attachment 318191
Attachment 318190
Researching this as we speak
Attachment 318192
I like those little stripes on the scales. It makes it really stand out. Very cool IMHO.