Do you do razor repair, or make scales?
If you repair razors, do you have some bone scales that are too broken to repair? If you make scales, do you have offcuts that are too small to use for scales?

I have to repair some bone scales on an antique razor, and I've never done it before. I'm very very scared to have my first attempt be on my 200 year old razor.

If I could find some bits and bobs of bone scale-like material that I could practice on for cheap or free (or, rather, for the cost of shipping) it would give me something to practice on and ease my mind.

To be clear, though, I am looking for your worthless garbage, not actual useful scales. I am almost certainly going to destroy the first couple of things I try this out on, so I'd rather they were shattered pieces the size of quarters than actual scales.

Can anyone help me out?
