I found a Midway dealer in the UK about 10m from where I live finally got there last weekend I refused to buy the tumbler

Dealer Midway UK
£97.00 £42.34 Tumbler

£39.60 £21.83 Corn Cob

£00.00 £8.85 Carriage

£136.00 £73.02 Total

So I am sat waiting for a delivery from Midway UK (should arrive about the same time as the 3 Boker’s from e-bay so guess what’s going in) don’t know if all dealers jack up their prices to the same extent as far as I could see all of the tumbler’s he had Lyman etc where all over double the price of going direct so if you want a tumbler in the UK try going direct it may mean opening an account, other way is if you have family or friends state side get them to get it for you then ship it over not an option for me don’t know anyone over there