Well, this is a wee bit discouraging. My first attempt to make scales was going pretty well. I liked the shape I had, the ebony was looking pretty nice and feeling good to the touch. The spacer was in and looked decent. The rear pin was at least holding together. And the razor doesn't close straight. Like, if the pivot pin is made tight it won't close.

The ebony is so hard that the drill pushed the scales apart before it started drilling into the second scale. So that hole is a little bit higher and has a weird angle. Upon further inspection it also seems the hole through the first scale was not perpendicular with the scale. I really wish I had a drill press.

But at least I've learned some things about the scale making process. I can try again with the other stuff I've got around but I'm concerned I'll mess up the pin holes again. Does anyone have any advice on how to drill better holes with just a little vice and a hand drill? A drill press is pretty much out of the question for me.