I just started experimenting with polyurethane as a finish. Most to use as a finisher for my epoxy finished scales after I've sanded out any imperfections. I'm quite liking poly too, seems to work great.

I was wondering what the usual FULL curing time for poly is? The instructions on the tin of poly I bought says a day, but I'm just not sure. It says it will cure to a "diamond hard" finish, an obvious over exaggeration, but so far it's been about two days of curing and it hasn't hardened as much as CA or epoxy does. The finish right now is pretty hard, but it can still be marred if I apply pressure with a finger nail. So I was just wondering if this is as hard as it gets, or it just needs many days of curing to become rock hard.

I was also just wondering what everyone else uses to polish/buff poly to a high gloss finish. I seem to always get a few flaws in the finish, no matter what finish it is, and with this poly, I just tried sanding out with #0000 steel wool and then polishing with simichrome. Works great, the finish product is very very near that glass-like look.