I got a razor in the mail the other day and it was quite damaged. It is a W.R. Case and Sons Manganese. I was told the blade was chipped, but didn't realize it must have been used for a pry bar or something.I cut the tip off in hopes of one day restoring it albeit a bit shorter. Well sitting about today got me thinking about using brass nails for a pin. They are already rounded on one end. So I got some and annealed the tip and it worked great. I made washers out of a .308 case that was Berdan Primed so I couldn't use it anyway. I annealed it and it worked perfect! The brass bent like sheet lead when it was annealed. Well got it all peened together and figured I would sharpen it. Had to bread knife it due to a chip and it being wavy. Then did the tape on the spine and that is an awesome trick. Stropped on the treated then stropped on the untreated and gave it a go with a shave. Cut like a dream. Neat short little blade too. Here's a pic after I cut the tip off.