I have a friend who sent a sheet of mylar with abrasive in it. It comes in various micron sizes. I decided to try it since the sample I had worked very well. I watched the Bill Ellis video and he said it was great stuff. I started the hunt for sheets rather than the $55 kits. I had a piece of glass to tape the mylar on and Bill sent me to a website where I could buy it. It's the Japanese Woodworker at Coming Soon...
They have the sheets in 12 micron, 5 micron 1 and .3 micron. Here is the info from the website:
These revolutionary abrasive films, developed by 3M, are manufactured to an extraordinary level of precision and durability. The abrasive is bonded with resin to a very tough, waterproof mylar film. 3M MicroFinishing film cuts quickly and produces an excellent finish. They can be used for sharpening everything from plane blades to razors but are at their best with carving tools. The film can be easily cut and applied to a backing of almost any shape.The 12 micron (#1200 grit) quickly removes steel, while the 5 micron (#2500 grit) refines and produces a keen edge. The 0.3 micron (#18000 grit) leaves a mirror finish. For the best edge, use the 1 micron (#8000) prior to the 0.3 micron. They are supplied on PSA 8½˝x11˝ sheets. One sheet can make a number of specialized hones and strops.
It works like you would not believe. I sharpened three razors with it and they are sharper than they have ever been!!!! At a little over $3 per sheet it's cheap and last a long time. It's very much worth a try.
