I have a couple of Frederick Reynolds. I left one of them alone, completely reworked another, and was in the process of pit removal/polishing the last one. The latest is about 7/8ths and roughly a 1/2 hollow.

I have spent quite a few hours now working out the pits and progressing up the grits. After another hour tonight I wanted to give it a shot on the buffing wheel to see if I was close enough or had a little bit left to do. Then it happened. Darn wheel caught the blade and whipped it against the wall of the garage.

I check my fingers, yup, still have 10. I check the blade. Commence the cussin'

The crack extends roughly 3/8 into the blade. I think I am going to hack the toe off of the blade. I'll still have about 1 1/2 inch cutting edge. I'm just going to have to find another razor that will fit in the purpleheart scales I had already built for this one.

This was going to be the best razor ever.