This is a little off topic. Sorry, but IDK who else to ask for help.

I scavenged a couple freshly cut elm logs to make a traditional kung fu dummy out of one (dunno what I planned to do with the other). I skinned the bark off b/c it's easy to do while the wood was still green, & painted the cut ends with latex paint to limit cracking.

I had them in my basement & while the smell of fresh elm was nice, they were not drying b/c there's nowhere for the moisture to go. So I moved them outside under an overhang, just in time for it to rain nonstop for 2 weeks.

They're not in the direct rain, but they both got a nice coating of mold, which I keep washing off w/bleach solution. The rain continues, I don't want to move moldy logs back into the house, & IDK what to do to save this project. Wait till the fall & sand it down to clean wood?

At this point every stupid thing I do is a band-aid over some other stupid thing I've done.