Ive read through the stuff here, and the stuff on the Caswell site and there are a few things I'm not clear about.

So, the sisal wheel is usually for cutting, and the spiral sewn wheel is for polishing. Which is better for the greaseless compounds? From what I can see the greaseless compounds are basically a grit with an adhesive binder, and since the sisal wheel frays I'm wondering if you'd want to use a spiral wheel since it would present a more regular surface to grind with.

Are the medium colored compounds basically just like high grit greaseless compounds, except they are greasy? Which compounds would be a good addition to the greaseless compounds?

What do you need to do for wheel prep, and what are the solutions they sell for the wheels (like glue-tite), also, do you need to periodically rake the greasless compounds?

I appreciate for any info.