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  1. #1
    Straight Shaver Apprentice DPflaumer's Avatar
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    Default Omega Boar Travel Brush

    So I have been looking for a travel brush recently. I wasn't willing to spend $40+ on a pure badger brush, mainly because I only paid $25 for the pure badger brush I have, and partly because I am a college student so budget is kind of an issue. I also do a fair amount of traveling because I go to school in South Carolina but live in Indiana, and my fiance goes to school in North Carolina so I am up there frequently.

    Solution: someone over at B&B was selling an Omega boar brush brand new for $8. Omega brushes come in those clear plastic tubes with the little black stand that you plug the end with. I simply took my 1/16" drill bit from making razor scales, and boom! A dozen or so holes later, instant travel brush. And unlike most travel brushes, there is nothing small or flimsy about this since it is a full size Omega Boar brush!

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  2. #2
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    I am a fan of Omega boar brushes, hope you like it.

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