Found these old blades in an antique shop in Houston the other day. Worth restoring? Don't know, but I intend to give them a go for practice as well as to fill a few empty hours when I return to my job in Nigeria - there ain't much on TV anyway...

Both sides of a Wade & Butcher; "Fine India Steel" on the blade; some rust on edge near the toe; no chips/other damage to edge; bugs have chewed into what I think are bone scales.

Another Wade & Butcher; "The Celebrated Medium Size Hollow Ground Razor" on the blade; in original coffin; no rust, but some staining; no chips on edge.

And a George Wostenholm & Son - "The Celebrated Extra Holow Ground Pipe Razor No. 149" on the blade" this blade aslo shows staining, but no rust with only one micro chip on its edge; came in original coffin, too.

The only thing I can do is try. Got all the "tools" for giving them a hand-job. We'll see. At 40 bucks can't be all bad.