Hi guys,

I asked a little while back on how to go about starting a restoration on a Joseph Smith & Son wedge.
Well I've gone and done most of it to my satisfaction. However I've run into some problems.

I have a wave in the mirror finish on one side of the blade. It's ever so slight, but still noticeable; could this be from my dremel tool?

I tried setting the bevel. But this too has a wave and is un-even. In fact the edge appears to be too large. Do I have to re-sand the blade to reset the bevel properly?

last but not least. After getting over over my imperfections I tried stropping the knife. However I noticed that I didn't get the same sound as I did from my other knives. I did use tape when I honed the knife. Do I need to use tape when I strop as well?

Any insight much appreciated.

(I'm sorry if these all seem too much like honing questions, but I didn't know where to post these queries.)