I am new to the world of straight razor shaving. In fact I haven't started yet. I have been browsing this forum for the last couple of weeks and I have recently obtained an older razor that I would like to begin using. It will need to be cleaned and honed before use. I don't have much desire to do the honing myself as I have no skill in this area. Are there forum members/ vendors that would be recommended to have this service done? I will need to have it done a few times a year I assume, what is the usual turn around time and price for this service?

I also need to clean the blade before it is to be honed. Should I let the person honing the blade do this as part of a restoration? If I need to do this first, what is the best method to a clean blade?

The last part that will complete the razor will be the replacement of the scales. I am planning to purchase a set of matte finish steel scales from Dovo. Is there any potential problem you would feel I will have, or is this usually a simple process? To try and help as best I can, the blade is a 5/8 Wostenholm I-XL Sheffield Blade.

I am sure I am asking some repeat questions but I haven't come across anything that is specific to my situation. I appreciate any information in advance, and I love the enthusiasm of the site concerning the lost luxury of straight razor shaving. It has already provided countless bits of priceless information.