Over here Krism asked:

since i am new to shaving all together with straight i have yet to try a full on restoration. i only buffed the blade. how hard would a total Restoration be? and what tools would i need? do i need a sander and buffing rigs?
At the risk of being the blind leading the blind here, since I'm also extremely new to this and haven't yet done a restoration I feel happy enough with to show off (other than a blade etching), I'd say it depends on what you personally want. As long as you're restoring them for your use.

As for tools, I've been working entirely with a Dremel, some microfiber cloth and a jar of Mother's Polish. It feels kind of limiting to me though, and I've been pricing a buffing wheel. I also got an adapter for the Dremel to use it as a just-barely-passable drill press.

But I've gotten cheap eBay razors that needed nothing more than ten minutes with the polish and microfiber cloth.

I'd say it all depends on what you want.