Oh Wise Ones!

In a moment of weakness, I forgot my addiction to stainless, and picked up an old Lockwood "Pampa" 7/8. The old horn scales were shattered, so off the remnants came. Blade polished up fine. However, (there is always a "however" in life) the hole in the tang is over double the diameter of the 1/16th pin, and about as round as a politician's promises are true. I know that this isn't really load bearing, but there is something about that amount of slop and irregularity that grates. What would be the "smart" way to sleeve this fella and bring my sense of quality back into reasonable bounds? Peen in a bit of brass rod and then file flat before drilling a new hole? I can't imagine brazing would be appropriate, but hey, live and learn!

Having made more than my share of mistakes this lifetime, I figured I might learn from the experts out there before I add to my record.

Many thanks, B+