Ok guys/gals, i've made about 10 sets of scales now, all of them out of g10 and micarta. I pretty well know how to finish them, sand and sand and sand some more followed by some buffing. However, I'm working on 3 razors right now and 2 will be done with wood scales, specifically, wenge for one and purple heart for another. I saw a thread here a while back about high gloss tung oil, but couldn't get all the information i need. First of all, what is a good brand of High Gloss Tung Oil to use? second, what grit should i sand up to? I know with g10 i don't stop til i hit 12k micro mesh, but I seem to recall that you don't go that high with wood. I plan on cutting and sanding them to shape with 80, 150, and 220 grit, but where do i go from there? And a good brand of finish would be helpful as well. Thanks to everyone in advance. Blake