Well I live in a historic shopping district, and so 250 feet from my front door are several businesses. Tap Plastics is one of them. I have used them for years for things like high grit sand paper when I need it and don't want to order it, bufing wheels, fiberglass supplies for my race boats, and such. Normally when I leave I always make a pass by their dumpster for odds and ends. Normally it is pieces of acrylic that had something round cut out of it, but there is enough usable for a couple sets of scales, well today I was looking through their "cutoffs and scraps" bin, all cut to 7"x10" for $1.00 a sheet! That's enough for 5 pairs of standard size scales per sheet! $0.10 cost in material per scale! I picked up this small stack of 3mm clear amber, clear, black, forest green, red, smoke poly carbonate, and a 2mm piece of white. The kid behind the counter charged me $5 for the stack, even after I told him there were 7. I also picked up a bottle of Novus 2 plastic polish to finish up after a white rouge buff.

Can't say I don't like getting a deal!

Time to finish up a set of smoke acrylic I dug from the dumpster now.
