Ok, so i know there are a few of you who have actually used this stuff as a finish with success. I'm in about 15 razors finished with it. Here are my issues:

1. Occasionally a scale will dry, and in its reflection the finish will be wavy.
2. on the outer, or bottom edge of a scale (shaped like a piece of a circle) sometimes I'll get bumps along the edge, from the epoxy drying in thicker and thinner spots.
3. almost always get one speck of dust in one scales finish.

My method: sticky tacky razors on ends of dowel rods mounted in wood plank, cover with large tupperware bin with lights off overnight after finish is poured on. and i always finish 3 sets at a time (6 scales). Out of 6 pieces, 2 pieces will typically have one of the aforementioned issues. Any ideas for help? Thanks!

PS - my amounts of resin and activator are precisely even, and i mix them well for 3 minutes.