First off thanks for all the responses. I am hoping not to really start a debate but just more of a better sense of what to use.
I have read a tremendous amount of material here about restorations and it has been really quite informative but there what I am about to ask really seems all over the place.
If you could help me understand just a couple of things.
Sand paper..I have used it for wood of course but do you use it for any other parts of the razor.
Emery cloth..I know it is used for metals

But then there is micro mesh I read about.
Now the first two for me it's pretty straight forward. Wood and metal.
What do you use for celluloid and horn..g10 and micarta.
When you want to polish a razor there is emery cloth..wooden scales call for sand paper..but what about the other items.
Also where does wet dry sand paper come into play?

If you use any or all of these items for things other than what they were meant for..why do you use it.
Once again thanks for all input and opinions.