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Thread: Dovo Bismarck, Replica Rubberset Brush & RazoRock Tuscan Oud Movember Auction!!

  1. #1
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Default Dovo Bismarck, Replica Rubberset Brush & RazoRock Tuscan Oud Movember Auction!!

    MikeB52 and Phrank bring to you our Canadian Movember Auction! Bid and support a great cause that supports us all and receive this fantastic kit.

    The auction starts NOW, November 18, and runs for 7 Days, ending next Saturday November 25 at 9pm. Moderator, feel free to correct or add any information I've made or forgot to add.

    What you're bidding on:

    Dovo Bismarck 6/8 - always loved this 3-Pin razor, beautiful inlay, but lost a little goldwash on the tang when some Tuf-Glide was applied when it was new, other than that, it is freshly honed, finished on a Naniwa 12k and then an Escher Barber's Delight. It is shave tested, disinfected, and has a superb edge on it and will deliver a fantastic, silky smooth shave that only an Escher edge can provide in my opinion.

    Replica Vintage Rubberset Brush - molded copper plastic, exact to form from the mold of the original, with a brand new, unused knot, weighted perfectly as to the original, this is an outstanding brush, and feels the same as using the original (I have a blue one just like this one) and the knot is a very high quality knot, MikeB52 can answer any questions you have on the brush.

    RazoRock Tuscan Oud Shaving Soap - this is an outstanding soap, brand new, never used, and is a deep, rich smelling Oud that is absolutely one of the better Oud offerings available.

    Apologies for the pics, every time I try to get this auction up, it's either raining or I'm not around.

    Opening bid of $150.00 USD will put you on the road to owning this beautiful set....

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  2. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Phrank For This Useful Post:

    5G62 (11-20-2017), Cangooner (11-20-2017), cudarunner (11-25-2017), Demetrius (11-18-2017), Dieseld (11-19-2017), evnpar (11-18-2017), gabrielcr78 (11-19-2017), Gasman (11-26-2017), MikeB52 (11-18-2017), MisterClean (11-19-2017), neehooya (11-20-2017), Paul76 (11-26-2017), sharptonn (11-18-2017), Speedster (11-18-2017), Walterbowens (11-19-2017)

  3. #2
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Hoowee! Thanks Gents!!

    150 is bid!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    Dieseld (11-19-2017), gabrielcr78 (11-19-2017), Phrank (11-18-2017)

  5. #3
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Pics look great Andrew. CDN fall classic backdrop.
    A very nice kit to support a terrific cause.. And a buttery edge applied to boot!

    Thanks for opening the bidding as well Tom!
    sharptonn, Phrank and Dieseld like this.
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  6. #4
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Thanks for getting the ball rolling Tom, all for a great cause.

    Mike - the brush is superb, perfect weight in the hand, and if it's the same knot as the one you put in mine, superb backbone and silky smooth on the face, great brush for scuttle or face lathering....
    sharptonn and Dieseld like this.

  7. #5
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Thanks Phrank, they are fun to make, and Yessir, same brand of 23 mm two band as in yours.
    Does the job, and does it well.
    sharptonn and Dieseld like this.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  8. #6
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    Awesome items guys!!! Gotta love that razor!!!! They have not make'em with the inlay anymore!!! A must have!!! Super difficult to get the ones with the inlay...

    I think i read in another thread that the machine used to make these inlays was damaged... the guy who made the scales for dovo was charging a lot to continue making them (to fix or get a new one?)... company decided not worthy and switched to the ebony with pri ts in gold... I have the red one (personal preference) but you will not be dissapointed!!! Hell Im tempted on bidding rigth now!!!!

    Get it before I do!!!!
    Last edited by gabrielcr78; 11-19-2017 at 03:40 AM.
    sharptonn, MikeB52 and Dieseld like this.
    honing my mind...

  9. #7
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    I have to go $200 on this

    Thanks Phrank!!! And Mike for the brush in this amazing set
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
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  10. #8
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    Good looking razor. I'll go $225. I haven't talked to the wife about this, but no matter - I'll get outbid anyway!
    sharptonn and MikeB52 like this.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to 5G62 For This Useful Post:

    sharptonn (11-20-2017)

  12. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Does that include global shipping Phrank?

    I have a match for that razor and I know where I can get a presentation case.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  13. #10
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Go, Rezdog!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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