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  1. #1
    Mocha Man mischievous's Avatar
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    Default Honing a W&B with a curved spine

    Anyone have suggestions? The middle of the blade cuts fine, the heel and point are not sharp.

    I seem to remember a thread about this issue before the crash.


  2. #2
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    You need to use a rolling x pattern. I think there was a thread before and Xman described it best maybe... Basically use the outer 1" of the hone and concentrate on that area. Whichever part of the blade is passing over that area at the hone edge (starting with the heel and ending with the toe as you finish half of the x) needs to be in contact (edge and spine) with the hone. That means that the razor rolls or rocks slightly along the spine and edge as you progress down the hone. I don't know if that makes any sense, but hopefully someone can clarify.

  3. #3
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    If you mean the edge has a smile then yes, use the rolling-x stroke. Start with the edge's heel contacting the hone, then as you do the normal x-stroke, raise the scales to rock the full edge surface into the hone, heel-to-tip. Try to give all parts of the edge "equal hone time". Use extremely light/no pressure as only a small part of the edge is on the hone at any one time. Try to repeat the same edge-spine contact points on each stroke for both sides. It's a lot harder to explain than it is to do.

    If you mean a warped spine/edge (concave/convex), then a narrow hone works best. I slightly rounded the two long edges on one of the 1/2" sides of my Swaty for just such purpose.
    Last edited by Sticky; 02-15-2008 at 08:43 AM.

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