I have a "Full Wedge" razor. Both sides of the blade are mirror finish and get refreshed to shiny brand new each time the razor visits a hone. The problem is I can not get the edge silky sharp.

I've gone back to a 1200 grit to ensure there are no lumps or bumps on the surfaces and then progressed up to a 12000 grit hone. Each time I move up a grit, the edge feels smoother but looses its bite. I can even get super smooth with a diamond paste on a leather flat bed strop, but the shave is only passable and the bite/hanging hair test is poor. The finer the honing medium, the more the biting edge disappears. I hone at 45 degrees as recommended but it makes no difference.

Am I missing a trick, or expecting too much from the wedge. Any ideas?