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Thread: On Honing

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think there is a real galaxie of space between many here on this forum and those that have shaved with a straight in the past. In the old days guys just shaved and maintained their razors the best they could. Maybe they got great shaves and maybe not so great and maybe they weren't really getting what they thought they were getting. Maybe that's why Mr Gillette was so successful. To most of us here this has become a hobby and there is this continual quest to achieve the very best like the guy who tinkers with the vintage car trying to tweak the best performance out of the engine.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #12
    Senior Member Lt.Arclight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I think there is a real galaxie of space between many here on this forum and those that have shaved with a straight in the past. In the old days guys just shaved and maintained their razors the best they could. Maybe they got great shaves and maybe not so great and maybe they weren't really getting what they thought they were getting. Maybe that's why Mr Gillette was so successful. To most of us here this has become a hobby and there is this continual quest to achieve the very best like the guy who tinkers with the vintage car trying to tweak the best performance out of the engine.
    That is so true. The beauty of this forum community is that we can take what is to many, a task. And create a hobby. To strive for the best is something that we all seem to do when we take up a hobby. It truly is hard to say-I am SATISFIED.

    On honing, there are many paths to the same destination. Now with new technologies products like the Shapton glass hones and the diamond products have made getting that "perfect" edge easier IMO. Its not to say you can't so it with an Arkansas stone,belgium coticule or the Norton. The ability to get an edge that suits your face is the most important aspect of this somewhat elusive art.

    That being said, I never would have believed how absolutely hooked I have gotten on SHAVING I truly look forward to the sensation of a scary sharp piece of steel touching my face. Go figure.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Ditch Doc's Avatar
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    I'm just glad that I have found enjoyment in something that is so much a part of me. I shave everyday, and instead of it being something akin to washing myself, or folding my clothes, it has become something I look foward to. My wife loves make up, and if she gets an opportunity to really spend some time on it, she gets a nice mellow feeling. Well, now I understand.

  4. #14
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Howkins View Post
    The other comment was that I must have got used to using a less than very sharp razor, and that is quite possibly so, although I have purchased another razor recently, supposedly shave ready, and it does not feel that unlike what I already experience.
    Hey Colin, glad you found us! As to the comment you made above, I wouldn't put too much weight on that as a benchmark. It is agreed that many if not all of the non-custom razors available today, when bought new are NOT shave ready whether they say so or not. That is, they all have an edge, but that edge is honed to not nearly the degree that most here would hone their razors for a comfortable shave. If I were you, I'd take up Jimbo's offer! He is a good guy!

  5. #15
    Senior Member zenshaver's Avatar
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    Thanks colin. You may have just saved me a purchase I really did not need.I may buy another one anyway though.By the way welcome.

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