View Poll Results: Would you be interested in participating in a honing contest?

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  • Yes

    11 44.00%
  • No

    14 56.00%
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  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Hey Ron:

    I hope it's consolation to you that if at this point you received a razor from me to critique, it would only be a razor that after much labor, fine tuning, more labor, more fine tuning, a bunch of swearing and the like, it would hopefully shave as good as your 4/8ths did. You and I both want to learn and we're both in the same boat. If someone asked me at that point how I'd rate my own honing ability, I'd say thankfully I get lucky enough to have some razors that are sharp enough to shave with on a daily basis. I need SO much more practice (TIME is the factor for me) and an assessment like this will only help that or if anything give me even more motivation to work at getting better.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
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  2. #42
    Coticule researcher
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris L View Post
    Bart, I like your plan. Thank you for thinking it up. I hope it materializes and I thank you in advance for you volunteering to take this on.
    Well, it was just an idea sneaking up on me after your "accreditation" thread, which makes it "all your fault". But I'm not one to back out of something, so I'll take my responsibility in putting it all into action, but only if it gains the interest of 20 candidates.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris L View Post
    I do agree that rather than contest (even tough competition to me is fun) maybe this be reorganized as a confidential honing assessment. Given the number of newer, burgeoning, non-expert honers among us (myself included), I would really be shocked if more people don't want to take advantage of a private assessment.
    That's fine with me. In fact, I'm not a very competitive person. The idea was to offer people a fun opportunity for probing where they are with their honing. If you guys really think the idea of entering a contest is working rather against, than in favor of, that concept, by all means, let's loose the competition factor. I still think it would be great fun, though.
    I already managed to throw in a very nice coticule into the price pot, but we could also assign it to a random participant.

    Maybe Bruno should change the poll (or close this one and start a new thread) into:

    1. I want to enter a contest.
    2. Don't want to enter a contest, but would enter a razor assessment survey.
    3. I would not enter contest not survey, but approve of the idea.
    4. I disapprove to the idea of a contest.


  3. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth ChrisL's Avatar
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    Random coticule prize winner. That sounds even better and would hopefully entice more people to enter.

    Chris L
    "Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
    "Aw, Pretty Boy, can't you show me nuthin but surrender?" Patti Smith

  4. #44
    Coticule researcher
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    For your information:

    Glen (gssixgun) volunteered to be a member of the jury. I think with this man's experience and knowledge, we can't go wrong. Whatever way this plan is heading.


  5. #45
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    BTW Glen is also adding to the prize pot, one shave ready vintage razor of a brand to be determined soon (I gotta look to see what I have that can be restored quickly) but it will be a nice one!!!!!

    I think this is a good idea, even if it is only to let each person know where they are at in their own honing ablities.... Let's have some fun here

    Way to go SRP !!!!
    Last edited by gssixgun; 10-31-2008 at 09:42 PM.

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  7. #46
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I added a new poll

    You can make multiple selections. That is much easier than having to make 1 option for all possible combinations.
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  8. #47
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    It sounds like fun, I just hope there are enough judges, IMO there will be a lot of contestants!
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  9. #48
    Previously lost, now "Pasturized" kaptain_zero's Avatar
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    After thinking about it for a while, I find myself in the disapproval camp and have voted as such. There are too many variables, too many subtleties that affect the outcome without having any clear relevance.

    To put it another way, would a contest of something like "The best wine maker" really mean anything? There are all sorts of wines, just as there are all sorts of razors, hones, strops, pastes and faces.... each will have their own personality and suitability and may appeal to a given set of circumstances. There is no way of fairly determining a winner as far as I can see.

    A similar sharpening contest has been held by one of the knife groups ( I think) and was quite good, it revolved around a single box of disposable cutting blades. Each contestant that entered would be sent in the mail (I don't recall the exact number but lets for arguments sake say 2 blades) 2 blades from this one lot of blades so that everyone had the same steel, same everything as everyone else. Then there were the tests, it was not subjective but rather clear and precise... There were several media that were to be cut, ranging from paper down to (I believe) toilet tissue (again from the same ream/roll), some sort of cutting pressure test using string/cord with the cutting pressure accurately measured with all the results posted. A clear winner was chosen based on the objective measuring of the cutting efficiency.

    When it comes to razors, the ultimate test is the shave test and I think we all agree on that. However, what is absolutely perfect for my face/beard/prep in all likelihood won't be for your and the reverse is true as well. The sharpest edges will be harsh shaving for many.... the more smoother edges will tug too much for others...... I just don't see how we could come to a fair result in the end. Then there is the matter of judging the edge, to be fair, the razor should either be judged by a single person or the blade would have to be returned to the honer for re-honing after each test as whomever used it *may* have damaged the edge with their stropping technique or other handling. So no.... I just don't see how we can do this sort of thing accurately and fairly, and I'd hate to have someone unfairly judged poorer than someone else based on personal and subjective tests/preferences. On the other hand, if we adopt something like what I described above where only pure sharpness is measured... does such a test have any relevancy to a real straight razor shave. If it did, why are there so many different brands of safety razor blades being sold, each with their champions, having chosen one of many brands as "The Best" for them.

    I may be alone in my thoughts, but I felt I should present them to you all for your consideration.


    Last edited by kaptain_zero; 10-31-2008 at 11:14 PM.
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  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to kaptain_zero For This Useful Post:

    PuFFaH (12-28-2008), thebigspendur (11-01-2008)

  11. #49
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    A couple things:
    First, I was of course kidding about crying for a week. I was actually planning my revenge for a week.
    Second, I honestly believe that my honing is better than it was at the time I sold the razor to Chris. However, I also believe that I have not yet reached any sort of honing pinnacle, if such a thing exists, as I have yet to ever have a hair fall silently during the HHT--mine always pop. I am fully aware that I have room for improvement in honing. Most of us do.

    There should be so many people signing up for this that it should need a lottery to pick contestants.
    Last edited by Utopian; 11-01-2008 at 12:04 AM.

  12. #50
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    In the new poll I voted "I approve of a contest" or whatever. I wouldn't plan on entering myself. It's a cool/fun idea but I'm just not that into it. I know I can hone very well and have so much other stuff I'm working on that a honing contest really just doesn't interest me at all.

    I don't think it's worth doing unless you have a top three or whatever. Obviously keep the other contestant's outcomes private. Also, why try to appease those who "disapprove" anyway? Was it their idea to start a contest and are they the ones taking all of the risk/initiative? A contest is a contest. Even honest evaluation is bound to hurt some egos.

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