Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
Just as Bart posted and Randy told me going back to the previous grit level smoothed it out without sacrificing keenness and now it was perfect for me.

Please let the record show, that I don't think about finishing on a Cotciule with water as "going back". Randy has a ton of experience on a wide variety of hones, so I'm sure he meant something useful when he made his statement about going back to the previous grit. Maybe my experiences with the Coticule fall within Randy's observations, maybe not.
It might very well be possible that mixing a "toothier" pattern with a more polished pattern, can yield the best combination of the avidness of the former to sever hair, with the smoothness of the latter to glide over the skin without scraping it. I can see how that could be one of the advantages of doing pyramids. But I have not looked into that so far and can't make any valid statements about it.

Thanks for comparing the Shapton 15K with the 16K glass, Jimmy. You sure made me wish I had the chance of trying a 16K.
Luckily I have no HAD (only a slight CAD), so I don't have to crave for one.
Now would you please excuse me, I have to go stare at my Chosera 10K a bit...
