Quote Originally Posted by Bart View Post
On the speed of my laps... I guess it makes a difference for setting a bevel on a coticule in a reasonable time frame, but I'm surely not stretching myself here. I always felt I needed to add some swiftness to the strokes, in order to get them as light as possible. But my first concern has always been to maintain good and consistent contact with the hone. It's just like stropping (but kind of in reverse). Speed is something that comes with doing it a lot.
I never thought about that. You're right, now that you mentioned it, it's rather similar to stropping. If I can strop really fast, I might just approach honing the way you hone - one handed, light fast stroke.
The only problem I see about honing like this is that being the hone narrower than the strop (My TM 3'' strop Vs. 1.5'' stones) I'm afraid the razor will balance and won't keep flat on the stone.
Now that I just finished honing my last Filly tonight, I don't have any razors left to practice this new approach!I'll have to wait for my razors to get dull.