In theory any mineral harder than steel will wear steel and can be considered as a honing medium. However its way more complicated than that. Even softer stones can be used to hone. Remember the Grand canyon was formed from running water (in general) and granite will fall apart to mud and sand when exposed to weathering.

really its the type of particales, (minerals) the particale size and shape and the base rock that all plays a factor. I would think using a massive rock like say slate or a chunk of quartz as a hone might very well work to hone an axe or do preliminary honing but for finishing and for delicate work with our razors I'm not sure it would. Of course there are some non sedimentary rocks that are quite soft. I guess you can experiment with stuff like marble or fluorite or apatite or asbestos based rocks or talc and see what happens. If you use the stuff and its softer than steel it will work the way our usual hones work anyway by having the residue break off and becoming smaller and smaller like a slurry so...