OK let me see if I have this correct here,,,,

My GS 8k is a way higher grit then my Norton 8k????

My GS 4k is too high a grit to sharpen a razor I have to drop to my GS 2k????

My Norton 8k is almost the same as shaving off my GS 4k????

Did I sum that up correctly????

OK unfortunately this GS is calling BS at this point in time...

oh wait I found the line I was looking for in the small print....

It is impossible to make
exact comparisons between all the different abrasives because different standards are used for average, minimum and maximum size, the percentage allowed outside
those limits, and the distribution of sizes within those limits, but this list is the closest comparison available since all entries are compared to microns by their respective manufacturers.

Don't forget the how does it feel factor here, Shaving is what really separates the men from the boys so to speak when it come to honing..
This also does not take into account the tricks of the trade...

I am really just having a very hard time swallowing that a Norton 8k is closer to a GS 4k then a GS 8k
I guess I am going to have to try a shave off the GS 4k... I will post back soonest....if it shaves anywhere near as good as a Norton 8k I will stand corrected....