Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
Jimmy you can over hone in any stone .it will just take more or less time.
of course honer should know what he is doing too.
Lets say to overhone blade on escher you will need to make perfect strokes without pressure for at least an hour very slowly.
You can get there eventually. is this a good idea? of course not just crazy people same as me will do it for test purposes.
4 razors don't have exact same angles-- bevel and edge angle i mean. some has been used more or less.
Don't get me wrong Sham, I'm not knocking what you're doing. I just don't quite understand it. It reminds me of the guys when I first came around who talked about polishing the edge until there were absolutely no scratches. I read that and figured that must be what I'm supposed to do.

Then I got razors honed by Lynn, Glen, Josh Earl, Joe Chandler, Livi ..... and they were shave ready to the max and had a scratch pattern. A pronounced scratch pattern. So I figured out that, for me, getting the razor sharp was the paramount objective and that putting a scratch free bevel on display, as it were, was not something to be concerned with.

Of course we want an edge that will stand up to use after honing but differing bevel angles is something that has never been something I've examined. Interesting topic. Thanks for bringing it up. As far as being crazy .... Sham I've always thought you and I are the only sane people on SRP and sometimes I'm not sure about you !