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Thread: Finally success with a wedge!!!

  1. #1
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    Default Finally success with a wedge!!!

    I have been straight razor shaving and honing for over 20 months and enjoying the process. Recently have read a few threads about the difficulty of honing wedges and had given up on a Wade and Buthcher (looks like a full wedge). I'm not sure how old the razor is, but it had a shoulder that ran down the middle lengthwise. This razor has been my nemesis. What ever I tried I couldn't get it shave half descent. I was using multiple pieces of tape and couldn't get an even bevel, and had trouble cutting arm hairs no less a heavy beard. I must have spent 10-15 hours using a chosera 1000 and Nortons and coticules to try to get this shave ready. Finally I retaped the spine, but for the first time I did it very carefully so that each piece lined up with the other. I used 4 pieces of tape and was able toget it to cut arm hair. Then I put another piece of tape (carefully) and finished it with a coticule diluting from a light slurry to clear water. I'm not sure what did it, but I think the very careful placement of the tape helped so that the bevel was even and then using the additional piece of tape to create a microbevel sealed the deal. It's now popping hair with the HHT and I haven't even stropped it yet. I can't wait to strop and shave with it.
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  2. #2
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Congrats! It's a nice feeling when it comes together like that, isn't it?

    I had a Tally-Ho wedge that was driving me nuts for the longest time, and when I finally nailed the edge, I think I enjoyed that shave more than any other just out of the sheer sense of accomplishment.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member proximus26's Avatar
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    From my experience old wedge might be challenging and few layers of tape is must (in some cases) however this poppy can be sharp as sharp you can call it, when done right. I find many times that I have to set bevel several times. When it`s done, then you have to look to not over hone razor. You must remember that few tape on spine are creating new edge degree towards stone, which is very aggressive and need to be handle with care.

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    datablanck (02-01-2013)

  5. #4
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    You did it the way you were supposed to, congrats!
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Anyone know if Wade and Butcher recommended any particular brand of tape?
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  7. #6
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Default Finally success with a wedge!!!

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  8. #7
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    Sheepishly embarrassed to say the least. After blowing my horn about getting this Wade and Butcher shave ready, I put it to the actual shave test. It was one of the most uncomfortable shaves I've ever experienced. Hard to explain, but it actually seemed to shred my skin, mind you not actually a cut but a tear. Obviously, without hesitation I finished with another razor. I'm now thinking that since this is the most true wedge I own, it might have been my technique. It seemed to pass all the other tests, but it was just awful.

  9. #8
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by datablanck View Post
    Sheepishly embarrassed to say the least. After blowing my horn about getting this Wade and Butcher shave ready, I put it to the actual shave test. It was one of the most uncomfortable shaves I've ever experienced. Hard to explain, but it actually seemed to shred my skin, mind you not actually a cut but a tear. Obviously, without hesitation I finished with another razor. I'm now thinking that since this is the most true wedge I own, it might have been my technique. It seemed to pass all the other tests, but it was just awful.
    That's too bad! It could have been technique for sure as wedges are different beasts from more hollow grounds. But IMHO while they are different they don't need a massively different technique. How much pressure were you using? I find it's important to remember that you have a lot of weight from the razor already doing the work, so little if any additional pressure is needed with wedges/near wedges.

    Maybe take it back to your finisher for a little touch up? Might be worth a shot.

    Good reminder though of the only test that really matters - the shave test.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  10. #9
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by datablanck View Post
    Sheepishly embarrassed to say the least. After blowing my horn about getting this Wade and Butcher shave ready, I put it to the actual shave test. It was one of the most uncomfortable shaves I've ever experienced. Hard to explain, but it actually seemed to shred my skin, mind you not actually a cut but a tear. Obviously, without hesitation I finished with another razor. I'm now thinking that since this is the most true wedge I own, it might have been my technique. It seemed to pass all the other tests, but it was just awful.
    Check the edge under magnification. It is possible the edge has crumbled away due to poor steel, either from rust or a manufacturing fault. It may simply take some repeated honings to correct.
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  11. #10
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Wedges are a real problem to me too. The only way I've found to get close to a shave able edge is with a pasted 'cotton belt' that I use as a pasted strop. Not sure if its the added flexibility of the cotton, but it seem to work.

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