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Thread: More to look at.

  1. #1
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    Default More to look at.

    Not to offend if this is a member's offering, but here is another example of "look before you leap" on razor purchases.
    I have gotten some awesome deals on the bay but I have taken a chance on a couple only to find it just wasn't as
    good as I originally thought.

    Vintage RED IMP Solingen Germany Steel Straight Folding Razor Original BOX | eBay
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  2. #2
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    From what I can see on that one, granted the pics aren't that great, but it's not all that bad. The hone wear looks relatively even all the way along and there's still quite a bit of blade left there to do a nice restoration on. Depending on the price it goes for, not bad at all.
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  3. #3
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    Never mind..just noticed the Stupid phone.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Chugach68's Avatar
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    You can break it of at the crack, hone it up and use it for those tight spots that the big blades wont get into....
    I choose death before dishonor
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The crux of this thread should be: any member of SRP interested in the item,consult a mentor before bidding.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Chugach68's Avatar
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    Luckily I have been successful on my ebay purchases. Definitely reading posts like this has helped.
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    I choose death before dishonor
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  7. #7
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    I really like Red Imps and have had several so I look whenever one is listed. This one caught my eye because a first glance, a good clean up and honing would suffice, then I noticed the crack. Just passing it on. I bought several razors before I was introduced to this forum and I wish I had the information available that I have now. It sure would make a difference in my approach and in the "collection" I have.

    I agree with you pixelfixed.
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  8. #8
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Man, yeah, those pics are subtle in showing that flaw! I have also been pretty lucky overall with eBay... I've had a couple close calls where I just Bid on something like that Red Imp then on later inspection saw a crack or serious flaw and 'luckily' someone outbid me (whew!).

    But, in these days where a cup of premo-Starbucks is like $7 and gas is solidly in the $4+/gallon... I just don't sweat stuff like razors under $20 a whole lot... I've gotten stung a bit here and there but the education (.. depending on where you go to school it is like $170/credit..) I've gotten in making those mistakes FAR outweighs the monetary loss as each time I've gotten a bit more alert with my assessment of various points of the razor, use the zoom feature WAY more and actually picked up a razor with a fatal flaw in a group of other 'nice' razors that I plan on learning how to cut and make a 'shorty' out of. And, scales and pivots can sometimes be re-used and it is nice to have a garbage blade lying around when you come upon a Thread here titled "Forced Patina" and you just can't wait to mix up a solution and dip a junker to see how it turns out. ;-)

    Caution is great, of course... But, recovering from an error with a grin on your face and new knowledge in your head is worth a lot more... Aside from the scales on this Imp... The only use I can think of is, if you cut it off at the break, how easy would that be to use under/around your nose?!

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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    That crack does not show on the other side.

    Name:  imp 2.jpg
Views: 152
Size:  31.2 KB

    This may go cheap and not have a crack ? Time to ask the seller. I did one time and they just sent me the razor. I get a reply " I can't tell but if you give me an addy I'll just send it to ya ". Well it wasn't cracked where I thought it was but it was at the other end.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to 10Pups For This Useful Post:

    DOGRAH (08-26-2013)

  11. #10
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    Wow, great learning thread. Did not notice that crack when viewing.

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