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Thread: Please help! Getting around sellers who dont like to ship across the boarder...

  1. #1
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    Default Please help! Getting around sellers who dont like to ship across the boarder...

    Ok, so I live in Canada, and if there is anyone else who has shared my experience there are many things that you can potentially get in the states, and than get super stoked about until you find out that they only ship inside the States... Has anybody found out a consistent and reliable solution to this?
    There are two things I can think of..
    There are companies that offer you an american address, and than this said company will receive your package and than ship it across the boarder. I have read reviews on all of them, and most them seem like scams.. I think this would be a last resort unless one of you have had a postive experience with this?
    My other option would be to ask one of you guys for a favour? Would somebody in the States potentially be willing to resend a very small package for me? Id give you a few dollars ;D
    Anyways if any of you guys can give me a suggestion it'd be much appreciated!

    im getting desperate...

    Thanks guys!
    Last edited by Xyphota; 10-07-2013 at 08:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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  3. #3
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I've found that frustration as well.

    What I do, and just did with a seller in NYC, was to send a message, and simply state, I'm in Canada, would be willing to meet the price and pay any additional shipping charges.

    Just got a nice DOVO Bismarck and strop, both brand new, from the states, cost me an extra $15 shipping...arrived no problem.

    As I always say, never hurts to ask....

    Good luck!
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  4. #4
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    yup always ask the seller.... usually if you agree to the extra shipping they will send it it is no more hassle to send international than domestic especially if they use ebay to print the label ... int'l shipping prints with the customs form attached.

    Last edited by syslight; 10-07-2013 at 09:57 PM.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, like everyone says just ask and pay the extra shipping costs. If that does not work I'll have it sent to a store on the US side drive down and pick it up and deal with CBSA crossing back.

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    Yeah Ive tried to call this store like 15 times in the past two weeks... I have no idea what their hours were, but I spoke to the manager once, and he seemed pretty nice, I just forgot to be assertive and ask if i could pay a few extra dollars.
    Whats the worst though, is that they actually say on their site that they ship internationally but they very "conveniently" just changed their policy, their IT guy just hasn't changed it yet...
    But I has a plan! thank you all for your input!

  7. #7
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyphota View Post
    Yeah Ive tried to call this store like 15 times in the past two weeks... I have no idea what their hours were, but I spoke to the manager once, and he seemed pretty nice, I just forgot to be assertive and ask if i could pay a few extra dollars.
    Whats the worst though, is that they actually say on their site that they ship internationally but they very "conveniently" just changed their policy, their IT guy just hasn't changed it yet...
    But I has a plan! thank you all for your input!
    The only other thing to be aware of, is our governments, and probably any others, tendency to want their piece of the pie. So when I comes across, and this has happened to me, they'll charge you a customs fee, i.e, you paid $200 for it, the government will then happily take $30 duty on delivery...just makes you shake your head, robbed at your own front door!!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    The only other thing to be aware of, is our governments, and probably any others, tendency to want their piece of the pie. So when I comes across, and this has happened to me, they'll charge you a customs fee, i.e, you paid $200 for it, the government will then happily take $30 duty on delivery...just makes you shake your head, robbed at your own front door!!!
    Yeah im aware of this, but I'm pretty confident ill be getting a sick deal even if theres duty! I actually finally got on the phone with somebody that worked there, and it only took 2 whole weeks! I asked for the manager but I guess hew was busy :P The guy that was helping me seemed pretty polite but pretty adamant he didn't want to ship to Canada. I guess theres way to many liability issues.. Im making progress...

  9. #9
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    There are some decent USA address companies. Some of them work or belong to post companies like TNT or others. I'm living in Netherlands/Belgium and I do some of my shoppings via such company. Till now I never had problems. Before that I had a friend who was living in USA and he was helping me with the stuff that should only be shipped Con. USA. If you have such a friend, then you can ask his/her help.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I'm not completely familiar with the new 'feature' but ebay has begun an option for sellers who do ship internationally to opt in for a third party shipper to take care of the international shipping. The buyer pays the total and the seller ships to the third party and he/she is done. I'm not sure whether within the North American continent would be included in that but it might be worth investigating and informing the seller.

    Using the Global Shipping Program

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