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Thread: Fake Filarmonica yes or no?

  1. #1
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Default Fake Filarmonica yes or no?

    I have just spotted this come up on ebay, now to me even though there are no makers marks on either sides on the tang there's just something about this razor that just doesn't look right to me, what do you think?

    Filarmonica LARGE #13 Straight Razor-Beautiful Condition With Box-Shave Ready | eBay
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  2. #2
    Senior Member MrMagnus's Avatar
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    i think thats one of the newer Fillys as in not jose monserrat pou. however i cant say if thay just forgot the tang stamps or if thay come like that. its not that uncommon that a razor missing the stamps. i dont think there is any fake straights atleast not mass produced by a company. the newer fillys are not the same quality as the old Jose Monserrat's.

    a similar one with stamps.
    Name:  P1060578__60442.1376066634.1280.1280.jpg
Views: 512
Size:  13.3 KB

    Here is my unstamped mk31, now laser engraved :P
    Name:  DSC01791.jpg
Views: 517
Size:  42.4 KB

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Saw that on the bay also. Not sure. Other than the scales there should be some other markings in my thinking. I know in the past I came across what I believe is a fake Dubl Duck. It would not take an edge no matter what you did. All I can say is buyer beware.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member MrMagnus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bouschie View Post
    Saw that on the bay also. Not sure. Other than the scales there should be some other markings in my thinking. I know in the past I came across what I believe is a fake Dubl Duck. It would not take an edge no matter what you did. All I can say is buyer beware.
    more likely bad heattreatment.

  5. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    There were some a few years back w/o stamps, here are some links to some rescales and more info Jamie

    We used to refer to them as the Classic Shave 7/8 DT Filarmonicas because they were not #14 nor #13 Looking at your e-bay pics I think that one also has the off center pivot hole, which would be another clue..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 12-10-2013 at 04:46 PM.

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  7. #6
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    It's different but I don't think it's a fake - but who knows. The only thing that looks terribly different aside from the lack of tang stamp is the shape at the toe where it curves slightly up for a tiny smile, but that's easily due to honing out a chip at the toe. I'm looking at my Doble Temple for comparison and that's all I can see - well, except for the logo on the scales is turned 90 degrees from mine, but I've seen both orientations of scale logos. The wash and inscription on the blade is exactly like mine down to the tiniest detail that I can see.

    As a side note, when I sometimes think a blade is a fake I get past the idea once I start to think about what it would take to produce numerous fakes. On this one it's the scales and blade that have markings but I guess if it were a fake the guy could have used real Filly scales. While there are some guys that can pull off faking the blade etching and wash, you'd have to ask why, given that it takes time and some amount of equipment and supplies for a pretty meager payoff. To make it worthwhile I'd think they'd have to flood the market with them to make enough to justify the risk and effort. Also at some point many folks would raise enough questions about bad metal or workmanship that buyers would drift away. An interesting thing to consider, but I could be wrong...

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  9. #7
    Senior Member Optometrist's Avatar
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    Jamie, I have spoken with a Spanish friend who says this razor is genuine. It is, however, one of the last Filarmonicas, post Montserrat Pou, and of very low quality. The story is that the steel is from Pakistan.
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  11. #8
    Senior Member AirColorado's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optometrist View Post
    ...The story is that the steel is from Pakistan.
    Ouch! Well maybe you got lucky and it'll hone up and shave right. Never know...

  12. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I am just wondering why on earth a Spanish made razor would be made using Pakistan steel. Is there something wrong with using Spanish made Toledo steel, it could not be that much cheaper to ship steel from Pakistan?

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  13. #10
    Member Marcelitegti's Avatar
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    I have one just like that, and it looks totally different then my other two which both came in the white boxes

    It seems like maybe the ones in the black boxes where not as high quality as the ones in the red or white boxes

    I'll post a pic of the one I have when I get home from work, also I tried honing it but guess what, took to long so I gave up :/
    celticcrusader likes this.

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