Yeah, I'm still not convinced on the "overpriced" front. Sure, it appears the Fendrihan place is overcharging compared to Royalshave (based on Ecl's post above), but I remember several years ago seeing a custom razor by a knife maker that I absolutely would have bought if I'd had the $1500 USD. From the point of view of my marriage, it worked out well that I didn't have a spare 1500 laying around, but I'm just saying....

I'd be really curious to know how long a complete razor (just even a "plain jane" custom) takes to make. I remember talking to Alex Jacques, back when he was a participating member here, about it. I hesitate to actually put a figure on it, but the way he was talking at the time (he was relatively new to making customs then) it sounded like at least 20 hours work and that was just grinding steel blanks to shape and not "blacksmithing" it like I know some custom makers do.

Anyway, I guess my point is that custom razors cost whatever the maker charges. That may be too much for some but there are others for whom it's fine. Of course, it appears from what Ecl has found that it would pay to shop around "on-sellers", but I for one have never argued with a custom maker about what price they want for a razor they've made me.
