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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There are those who would tell you that straights are ridiculously low priced (the vintage stuff I mean). Look at some of the auctions for knives 50-60 or more years old. The fact is the investors have not discovered straights. Some day they will and when that happens you will be lamenting the good old days when you could buy a wonderedge for only $300. That will seem like chickenfeed.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #12
    Senior Member Damon's Avatar
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    You know your probably right but when it comes right down to it we are the ones setting the collect-ability prices by what we are bidding on. I think the forum groups are a large driving force on ebay that set prices. We should in effect use that to our advantage do you think.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blueprinciple's Avatar
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    Default cost of enjoying yourself!

    I think that both views are valid and have merit (gee sitting on this fence is great!). Seriously, I got into dealing in straights a while ago and, frankly, I don't make much money at it - but I DO enjoy it. I do try to run things on a businesslike schedule, though, or it indeed can turn into a very expensive hobby. My aim is always to resurrect an old warrior to the stage where it is usable or as near usable as I can get it - to restore it to 'concours' status is simply not cost-effective. I leave that to others. I do like the fact that a hapless hunk of rusty steel, destined, without intervention, for the landfill, can shine again and give some guy pleasure. That's it.

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