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Thread: Global Shipping, one last time.

  1. #1
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    Angry Global Shipping, one last time.

    Could any of the sellers here clarify the auction question process for me? Are all questions asked of the seller public or are they posted at the discretion of the seller? I wonder because I wanted standard USPS instead of Global and asked the seller with some criticism of Global and it never showed in the "questions" area of the auction.

    I've given up trying to change a seller but have decided to leave feedback that says:
    "Thank you for not using Global Shipping, I save and you get a higher price."
    Better than the usual A+ etc. type thing and it gets the message out.
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  2. #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    I have not sold anything on eBay but I have asked questions that may critique an item that never appear in the ad, but I have seen questions asked by other buyers for the same item that do appear in the ad, so my guess it's the seller's discretion.
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  3. #3
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I don't bother asking anymore.

    While many sellers aren't aware their ads have this, I've received enough replies that they have chosen this method as they believe it protects them.

    Many have told me they've had items returned as buyers weren't aware of customs/duty charges, or have had items lost and ended up taking the hit.

    In the end, if it's an item I can get elsewhere without the gs, I will, but if it's an item I want, in the end, no one is forcing me to bid on the item.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I don't bother trying to talk to sellers anymore. Apparently once they have it as a global ship it is tough to change. I don't see much out there that would make me want to have my item take the extra time. From where I am it is slow enough as it is. There is also the added costs that I'm not willing to pay either. I did have a shipping discussion with a seller after the fact, before i knew. It went well.
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  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Whenever a question is asked the seller has the option of it being made public or not.

    From my own experience once you turn on global shipping it's on period you have no choice to use it in instance A but not B unless it's a country that doesn't support it and then the Global Shipping Option won't even appear in the auction.

    If you opt for it and you decide you don't want it you have to go deep into the settings to opt out of it. Once there are bids in the auction I don't know if you can change it then. I've opted out of it but there were no bids yet on my auction.
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