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Thread: Three Razors from France

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Three Razors from France

    I did not by any means get a deal on these, but I like the bismarck shoulderless type razor, just not the slots in the top of the bismarck razor. I usually don't buy multiples, but in this case, I like every razor in the lot so I don't have to try to keep the lot price at the price of a single razor.

    The dumb thing about this is that I just spent 5 bones on a kobar 7 day set on ebay, and I'm selling them again on ebay strictly because I felt like I shouldn't spend that kind of money right now.

    So how that equates to it being OK to spend about $175 to get 3 more razors, I don't know. I guess that's why it really is a disease.

    Vintage Straight Razors Lot Solingen French Rasoi Navaja | eBay

    I remember coming back on here thinking I'll sell some of my razors in the classifieds and handle some of the problem I've created buying razors.

    Well, since I came back here and am now eligible to sell in the classifieds again, I've bought 12 razors and sold none so far, though the 7 day set will sell no matter what. Total # that I've listed in the classifieds....0.

    This place is bad for me I only look at razors on ebay when I'm actively posting here
    Last edited by DaveW; 07-11-2014 at 06:11 PM.
    Hirlau, BobH, WW243 and 3 others like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    I think ya done good
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  3. #3
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Three very handsome blades !!...You did good Sir.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    Nice to know that I'm not the only one in this predicament. I just bought this L Sommer Amp Co Mondesir 11 Straight Razor | eBay When I already have to many that need to be sold. I have more coming in than going out.
    SRP. Where the Wits aren't always as sharp as the Razors

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Funny thing is before I read your entire post I clicked the link looked at the original listing and then clicked see other items. You are not alone with the buying and not selling. I have like straight razors since I was a young kid. I'm having a lot of fun, perhaps I'll thin the herd soon.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    The Adresso is gorgeous! Really like the anchor crest in blue. Great looking razors. Side note I love my 2 kobars also. Just keep all of them. You will eventually use them.
    "The black smoke is just lost power"

  7. #7
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    As far as the lot...I think you kicked a__. The word 'disease' you used interested me especially when associated with 'problems.' Years back following a heart attack my daughter (in her mid 20's) was taking care of me for awhile. We were in a small town in upstate NY and occasionally we had to go to the big town...Oneonta. It did not take long to notice that every time we went to that town she went to a ladies clothing store and came out with an article of clothing. I mean every time.!
    I had never seen this kind of compulsive behavior up close. She bought things that she never wore it was so bad. So I started to wonder what was going on...the only thing I came up with was the 'juice.' It was the transaction, you are one person going into the store and another (improved, excited) person coming out with a new thing. My feeling was the transaction was the drug. But it wears off, like all drugs. If you have the money, no problems, but if you find yourself in kind of a drugged state having to have something ........well, probably a lot of us have been there. So my son, no charge for the dimestore analysis, say 10 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers, and git some more.
    Last edited by WW243; 07-12-2014 at 11:04 AM.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member AntiqueHoosier's Avatar
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    It is a disease I know ohhhhhh so well. I have finally kicked it recently after several years of acquiring in a binge and purge mode. Down to a pair of straights that are used in daily rotation and an heirloom W&B that was my Great Great Grandfather's blade. It wasn't easy to kick the habit but somehow, probably through finding my Grail set of razors finally was the thing that did the trick. They are lovely tempting items indeed. My shaving brush AD went away as well in fact and that was right up there with the razors as well at one time. Starting this journey in late 2006, it took several years to get to a luxury minimalist den. Most don't aspire to that however.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I figured I'd find one of two things when I posted these:
    1) A bunch of people saying "I could've gotten a better deal than that" (happens on a woodworking forum I'm on a lot - any post about a purchase is followed by people talking about the stuff they got for $3)
    2) enablers

    Fortunately it's the second.

    I'm sure it's some kind of disorder, and as WW243 says, there's some part of it that has to do with the transaction (and trying something new). The razors that I really like a lot have a permanent place here, though, unless I have something just as good that costs a lot less. I made a resolve a few years ago that if I was going to buy and sell as part of a hobby, i wouldn't do it if it was a money loser. Thankfully, straight razors are easy to ship and other people like them, so we can indulge in this stuff.

    Not sure if I'll work out any of the stuff on the shoulderless razor (you can see someone has cleaned it in the past), probably not, but if the grind is similar to what dovo markets as a bismarck now, there's plenty of razor there to do it.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveW View Post
    The dumb thing about this is that I just spent 5 bones on a kobar 7 day set on ebay, and I'm selling them again on ebay strictly because I felt like I shouldn't spend that kind of money right now.
    Scratch the whole comment about not losing any money on hobbies!! I bought the kobar set for 5 bills, and cleaned them up and they just went (regular auction) on ebay yesterday for a little over 4 bills. I had the pleasure of honing them all and cleaning them up. That wasn't a very good hobby turnover. After peebay fees, it'll cost me about $140 to do that.

    Ah well, I'll be keeping these three.

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