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Thread: Joseph Elliot Magnum Bonum

  1. #1
    DNM is offline
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    Default Joseph Elliot Magnum Bonum

    Anyone from the site who bought this lovely Elliot? Sold for $515 on the bay couple of days ago.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It was on my watch list but got to rich for me really fast.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    nice Razor,what up with the wedge end??
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    nice Razor,what up with the wedge end??
    It dun got brokeded
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  5. #5
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Just noticed this thread. Well, I didn't want to say, felt maybe some people take losing a bid personal.. so didn't want any hard feelings. But anyway I'm the one who got this one. I really had to have it and spent more than I should have. It's the second biggest blade I've got and also I've always wanted a magnum bonum. Lost bids on several of them over the last year and this was the best I've seen listed. I went crazy and you would not believe how much I typed into the "max bid"... thank the gods it didn't go higher!
    It will have mammoth scales when I get to it with a silver wedge and custom made silver collars.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If you really want something you pay what you have to in order to get it. Hope you enjoy you new acquisition.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    Just noticed this thread. Well, I didn't want to say, felt maybe some people take losing a bid personal.. so didn't want any hard feelings. But anyway I'm the one who got this one. I really had to have it and spent more than I should have. It's the second biggest blade I've got and also I've always wanted a magnum bonum. Lost bids on several of them over the last year and this was the best I've seen listed. I went crazy and you would not believe how much I typed into the "max bid"... thank the gods it didn't go higher!
    It will have mammoth scales when I get to it with a silver wedge and custom made silver collars.
    I did much the same with the razor that has become my favourite and most prized. Fortunately I made the purchase when the cost of big razors was just starting to rise so it was only half as painful, but at the time I felt a little foolish and would never have admitted how much I spent. Now I couldn't be happier about it.
    You've got a real beauty there and it sounds like you're going to do the best for a special razor.
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  8. #8
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I saw that. The finish seems almost perfect. Never paid that much, but have wanted to!
    Might want to reconsider 'customizing' it. Collector's value is in 'original' IMO.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    I saw that. The finish seems almost perfect. Never paid that much, but have wanted to!
    Might want to reconsider 'customizing' it. Collector's value is in 'original' IMO.
    Yeah I have been debating the level of customization. The blade is almost perfect with a couple rust spots that are not deep at all. Will not put it to the polishing wheel/greaseless compound, no need, just delicate rust/blemish removal.. the scales are broken so the scale replacement material I'm still debating. I've never been into plastics celluloid or otherwise unless it's still mostly prefect, I really like various hardwoods. Something regal for this one i think, not too flashy. Been wanting a big blade to put the mammoth i have onto, but I've got several 8/8 blades I could use for that and also a 9/8+ W&B Masonic too. I had it in my mind that I would use the magnum bonum for that but am debating. ..
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  11. #10
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    I'm glad a member here got it and I hope you love it once you get it shaving. I love to collect Joseph Elliot razors myself and if the scales hadn't been broken I would have been sorely tempted to bid against you but it sounds like your max was even higher. I haven't seen a Joseph Elliot in that size and that great condition before so you have something special. I always like traditional scales on my old Sheffield wedges so something natural like mammoth ivory sounds ideal to me, you should do it!

    Have any photos of that 9/8+ W&B Masonic blade?
    MikeT likes this.

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