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Thread: Im sorry

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Is a freakin auction, no need to be sorry,I go to farm auctions all the time,made alot of great friends,but when the bidding begins,there are no friends.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member admvalentine's Avatar
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    I believe its by a company called E. Lockwood, which is still in buisness. But win i saw that big razor with that pretty little tall lol i had to have it. Some of you guys with those long pointey monkey tails make me jealous.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post
    I believe its by a company called E. Lockwood, which is still in buisness. But win i saw that big razor with that pretty little tall lol i had to have it. Some of you guys with those long pointey monkey tails make me jealous.
    It's okay. You will eventually get what you want one day........................just be patient & don't jump into anything too quickly.

  4. #14
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post
    But win i saw that big razor with that pretty little tall lol i had to have it. Some of you guys with those long pointey monkey tails make me jealous.
    I do hope that you will enjoy that razor. Keep us posted. As far as the long pointy monkey tails and other such things. I'm a firm believer of Function Before Form. If the razors with the long tails work well for the owner that's Great. However if they don't then that's a shame.

    I was honored to be asked to hone a custom razor for a friend. It wasn't a folding razor and while it was a fantastic shaver the design left me frustrated. All the way from honing, stropping and shaving; and especially stropping. It wasn't the grind/it was the shank. The owner loves it and that's what counts.

    The company I work for Loves to put Form before Function (it looks great but doesn't work worth a F***)!

    If I can ever come up with the funds to have a custom blade made, it would be in a fairly traditional design and that includes the tail.
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  6. #15
    Senior Member admvalentine's Avatar
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    well it came, it wouldn't shave arm hair when I got it though had not been used in quite a few years. so I broke out the old Barbers hone.yes you heard right that's all I use from Bevel set to finish. finished it up with some Crox and stropped it. It shaved great, had to do rolling x though. I don't usually clean i vintage b blade but makers mark is so small and crusty i may have to clean it off.
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  7. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post
    well it came, it wouldn't shave arm hair when I got it though had not been used in quite a few years. so I broke out the old Barbers hone.yes you heard right that's all I use from Bevel set to finish. finished it up with some Crox and stropped it. It shaved great, had to do rolling x though. I don't usually clean i vintage b blade but makers mark is so small and crusty i may have to clean it off.
    It's ok, all that matters is you're happy & it shaves!

  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post
    well it came, it wouldn't shave arm hair when I got it though had not been used in quite a few years. so I broke out the old Barbers hone.yes you heard right that's all I use from Bevel set to finish. finished it up with some Crox and stropped it. It shaved great, had to do rolling x though. I don't usually clean i vintage b blade but makers mark is so small and crusty i may have to clean it off.
    Wait! What? You only use a Barber's hone for the whole process (bevel to finish)? I want to do that so please share with me how you are able to do that! Either thru PM or here or email!

    I don't want to have stones that I don't need to get the same results as that is a waste!


  9. #18
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirMike View Post
    Wait! What? You only use a Barber's hone for the whole process (bevel to finish)? I want to do that so please share with me how you are able to do that!

    One leg at a time?
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  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Barbers Hines have been around a long time just for that reason , talk to Ron( Utopian ) he once said he kept his razors shaving for years with a good barbers hone. Sometimes the stone craze is about acquisitions more than needed, it's nice to have these fine edges from the high grit hones but they can be had without them, Tc
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  11. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Barbers Hines have been around a long time just for that reason , talk to Ron( Utopian ) he once said he kept his razors shaving for years with a good barbers hone. Sometimes the stone craze is about acquisitions more than needed, it's nice to have these fine edges from the high grit hones but they can be had without them, Tc
    That is what I am trying to avoid!!
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