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Thread: Razor spotted, does anyone want?

  1. #1
    the deepest roots TwistedOak's Avatar
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    Default Razor spotted, does anyone want?

    For anyone in the Chicagoland area, I saw a really cool Jacques Lecoultre frameback with at least 1 extra blade looks really similar to this one. Sorry I didn't take pics while I was shopping, but you'll have to trust me that it was an extremely light cleanup job.

    It was at the Volo Antique mall for about $95 (which is why I didn't pick it up, out of my price range). Anyone can PM me and i'll try my best to give you directions to the case where it's sitting because there are hundreds of vendors in that place.

  2. #2
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    I love mine. The one thing you have to look out for when buying is consistency between the blades. It can be a real headache if the blades were not all honed at a consistent rate along with the frame
    TwistedOak and MattCB like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    I kinda like the idea for this thread, if you don't mind me adding to it.

    There's a KROPP razor in an antique store in Milwaukee on Water St. going for $125. PM for details that I don't remember at the moment. It looked in fine shape, original scales. No rust that I could see, didn't spend a whole lot of time with it. I was more interested in the "unused" Shumate going for cheaper
    Crawler likes this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Fare enough. I've had a similar inkling from time to time. This reminds me of a razor I found in a local antique shop, which I just learned is going out of business. The razor was a something from Sheffield, with bone scales, and "Barber's Rattler" with "Fully Warranted" right below etched beautifully on the blade. Too bad that someone seems to have decided cleaning it up with the steel wool from their kitchen sink was the right choice .

    I don't remember the asking price, and I rarely stop by that end of town. I may have pics buried somewhere... I'll edit this post if I find them.

    Found them.
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    At least the scales were seemingly in good shape.

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    And an edge like a butter knife!

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    Last pic.
    From the looks of the pics, the asking price was $35 before taxes.
    Last edited by Crawler; 03-11-2016 at 11:00 AM.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

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