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Thread: Anyone ever heard of this custom razor maker I found on eBay?

  1. #11
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    I thought this razor was made by Murray Carter. Had to clear that up with a YouTube search
    Voidmonster, engine46 and Benz like this.
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  2. #12
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    I just got one of this guys razors today. I must say, I haven't shaved with it yet but it looks really nice. I know this is an old thread but, Jared just might deserve a good "look at" I just happened to stumble on his razors on eBay, made an offer, he accepted and everything went as smooth as a baby's butt. This razor has a little bit of a SageBlades ( smiling blade)look to it, but very much "toned down" I happen to think that's a good thing though, as I'm not much for the "over the top" look anyway ;-) If I can I'll try and post some pictures later tonight or tomorrow, but please don't expect pro level photography from me
    Jared13 and Mrchick like this.

  3. #13
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    Good Afternoon,
    This is an older thread that I too just stumbled across. It is me, Jared behind the razors named Carter Monroe. I have been a member here for several years and as present as possible (although I wish I could be more engaged on the forum). The company name is based on the names of my children. I have been using straights for a very long time and got into working with them (restoring and making) several years ago. I never intended my work (both restorations and custom razors) to turn in to much but as I put more work out there the more positive feedback and request came in. I currently work on razors on a limited basis as I have time as I am currently dedicating 55+ hours a week to my other passion (I am a therapist, much of my work and research is the field of substance abuse treatment, relapse prevention and impulsive behavior). Razors are another passion of mine as I truly value my quiet time in the shop with some steel, a hammer, fire, and a grinder. This is my playground and I retreat to it as often as possible (again I wish it were more, hopefully this is true in the future). I learned much of what I know about razors from the gracious members on this site and through video instruction and a lot of trial and error. Metallurgy and working with metal is not entirely foreign to me as I come from a family where all the males were and are machinists. I do the best quality work I can and have posted some of my work on here before through other threads. I did send one razor out to a respected member of this site(ScottGoodman) and received some great feedback with some great insight and compliments as well. My goal is to become more known within this great community for my work as I truly believe in what I make and the quality of my razors (both restorations and customs). If I would not buy it, it does not leave my shop. If anybody has any questions/comments regarding me or my work, please doesn't hesitate to ask!!
    32t, tintin, Mrchick and 4 others like this.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Wightman's Avatar
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    I think you do some beautiful work there Jared and I love the company name and how it's after your children. Keep up the good work and the passion. Cheers
    Jared13 likes this.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Wightman For This Useful Post:

    Jared13 (10-04-2017)

  6. #15
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    Thank you I sincerely appreciate your comment!

  7. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Remember, no sales talk allowed on the open forum. All such talk should be in a P.M.
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  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Remember, no sales talk allowed on the open forum. All such talk should be in a P.M.
    Ok thanks, I didn't realize. I deleted my story, sorry

  9. #18
    Member Moonbow's Avatar
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    I am the proud owner of one of Jared's beautiful razors. It is a quality product through and through. It looks good, is well balanced and shaves wonderfully. Oh, and his prices are very reasonable. What else can a person ask for in a razor.
    RezDog and MrZ like this.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Moonbow For This Useful Post:

    Jared13 (03-19-2018)

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