I won a decent razor for a pretty low price on Ebay back on May 2nd. Of course as soon as the auction was over I paid through Paypal so I'd receive it as quickly as possible.
Now, the days rolled by, shipping notifications never came. I emailed the seller twice asking about shipping and then started to investigate. Basically the seller's Paypal address didn't match their account or something like that, so they never accepted the payment. Being the nice guy I am (and wanting that stupid razor) I e-mail him with instructions on how to fix his Paypal account.
So now after chatting with Ebay reps, the only recourse I had was to cancel the payment through Paypal because the seller still never responded to any of my messages.

In retrospect, I should've noticed the seller had 0 transactions on their account and just expected something to go wrong, but I've purchased a fair amount of items on the bay and never experienced a problem like this before.

Was there really no other option other than the cancel the payment? What's the longest you've waited to wait for a seller to get their stuff straight?