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Thread: Unmarked Iwasaki razors on ebay

  1. #11
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    Your responses makes quiet clear that a razor without stamp drops massively in price. Of course: buying such a razor is a gamble. But my my question is about bringing this to a higher level. Is it possible that there are Iwasaki without stamp? Your picture Sharptonn makes it clear that there are acid-etched stamps. And these can be washed.

    I don't buy a razor to sell it later. If that is the purpose I agree the stamp is necessary. The quality of the shave is my measure. Then it comes to the point: can I trust the Ebay-seller in his story "Iwasaki no stamp". This seller has only and a lot of positive feedback. An Ebay-seller has to be very keen om this feedback. 10% bad feedback ruins this business. That was for me the reason to try it out.
    Part of my hobby
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  2. #12
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onno View Post
    Your responses makes quiet clear that a razor without stamp drops massively in price. Of course: buying such a razor is a gamble. But my my question is about bringing this to a higher level. Is it possible that there are Iwasaki without stamp? Your picture Sharptonn makes it clear that there are acid-etched stamps. And these can be washed.

    I don't buy a razor to sell it later. If that is the purpose I agree the stamp is necessary. The quality of the shave is my measure. Then it comes to the point: can I trust the Ebay-seller in his story "Iwasaki no stamp". This seller has only and a lot of positive feedback. An Ebay-seller has to be very keen om this feedback. 10% bad feedback ruins this business. That was for me the reason to try it out.
    Part of my hobby
    There is no way to prove what it is, if you are happy with how it shaves is all that matters.
    Personally, I would rather pay more than have that lingering doubt.

    Sent from a moto x far far away
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    It may be a good razor but you risk getting a razor-shaped object. Whether you want to take that risk is entirely your decision. I wouldn't.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  4. #14
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    Default Unmarked Iwasaki razors on ebay

    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    It may be a good razor but you risk getting a razor-shaped object. Whether you want to take that risk is entirely your decision. I wouldn't.
    Well. No guts no glory!
    sharptonn, rolodave and jfk742 like this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Snuff's Avatar
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    Or guts and no Iwasaki Anyway Tony honed it and if he says it's a great shaver you have made a good deal for such a small amount of money.

  6. #16
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    One thing to do is to post pics of known and unknown blades to compare features, etc.
    Might make you feel better....or worse?
    rolodave, dinnermint and Onno like this.

  7. #17
    Member JohnGlueck's Avatar
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    Yelp, that settles it. I've been fretting over how to label/brand/makers mark my pieces. Now I need to make a stamp, and start stamping my razors....
    rolodave likes this.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    One thing to do is to post pics of known and unknown blades to compare features, etc.
    Might make you feel better....or worse?
    When razor comes back for honer I will do so, unless he is doing it before me....

  9. #19
    Senior Member KsStraightShaver's Avatar
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    I have seen the blades that this OP Is speaking about, and I believe that they are Iwasaki's. The main reasons I believe they're iwasaki's is that the two blades sold have both looked identical to one of the iwasakis that I own an I promise some light buffing an the iwasaki mark would be gone. Also the seller in question has sold at least 2 that I've seen an iirc several others that were unmarked I believe he restores them an the etch comes of I of course don't know for sure but I know that he sells a lot of razors an seems to have quite the supply of iwasakis that do have their markings still. So it is a possibility that he has quite a few that rubbed off I do know that I've watched both that he sold recently an lost bidding on the first an forgot to bid on the second because it ended at like 1 or 2 am. Just my two cents though.
    Oustoura and Onno like this.

  10. #20
    Senior Member Oustoura's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    It may be a good razor but you risk getting a razor-shaped object. Whether you want to take that risk is entirely your decision. I wouldn't.
    the seller has a quite nice profil. i had few others transactions with him.his razors are ok, they are not razor shaped knifes. but for these razors solds with no stamp might not be (or might be) iwasaki.

    i had one, for not too much of his "iwasaki" razors without stamp, it shaves well, certainly japanese made, just we are not sure about the origins of the blade.

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