There are a few things that sellers do quite often, and can be quite annoying.

Often it's because they simply don't know, or are rushed, couldn't be bothered to spend more time as they are all about the numbers, or maybe some are just stupid.

I think there is another group that are sneaky. Most of us have experienced it, sneaky tricks of the camera, editing, angles, omissions..
Some might like the mystery, I don't.
Great pics of everything else and then a terrible tang pic. Or a big lot that has terrible pics and then 3 of the 12 are of a box and 1 of a nice blade.

Perhaps I'm just hoping every seller will read this. You'll make more sales with better pics in my opinion.

Well there is my rant! Just had to get it off my chest.
Anybody else experience this? ..or have some good words to help me not be too critical hehe