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Thread: Annoying Seller Tendencies

  1. #1
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Default Annoying Seller Tendencies

    There are a few things that sellers do quite often, and can be quite annoying.

    Often it's because they simply don't know, or are rushed, couldn't be bothered to spend more time as they are all about the numbers, or maybe some are just stupid.

    I think there is another group that are sneaky. Most of us have experienced it, sneaky tricks of the camera, editing, angles, omissions..
    Some might like the mystery, I don't.
    Great pics of everything else and then a terrible tang pic. Or a big lot that has terrible pics and then 3 of the 12 are of a box and 1 of a nice blade.

    Perhaps I'm just hoping every seller will read this. You'll make more sales with better pics in my opinion.

    Well there is my rant! Just had to get it off my chest.
    Anybody else experience this? ..or have some good words to help me not be too critical hehe
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  2. #2
    JP5 is offline
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    Yeah, pics can be misleading sometimes. I try to assume the worst, but I did get a blade before that had a chip I didn't see in the picture.
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  3. #3
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I agree Mike T. If the pics are funny in any way, then I pass on it. I've received a bent tip before and a crack blade. I quit hoping for the best now. If the pics are not complete and show all details then I wont bid!
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  4. #4
    JP5 is offline
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    There is a seller in Japan that photographs razors lying on the rim of a glass. I believe at least one member was unhappy with the condition it was in when they received it since the problems we're not shown in the pictures.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Another eBay seller from Japan seems to think posing his razors upside-down from a 45-degree downward angle gives potential buyers the best possible view of his items for sale. Add in poor lighting and focus, too. In no way can one accurately determine the condition of his razors from these crappy photos which do not enlarge. All images slope away such that uneven edge effects from poor honing are impossible to determine.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I agree Mike. I hate when there are no pictures of both sides of blade and scales. Also there are no measurements given of blade height. I don't care how long razor is open, I want to know blade length and height.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    ooooh, big pet peeve of mine. Happens so often that I've taken to asking for more detailed pictures if it's a lot.
    Another one that sellers like to do more and more (not just for razors) is advertise a "Like New" condition that is not at all like new, but it's an ambiguous term so they can get away with it. To me "like new" means that someone would have to be told that the item wasn't new for them to recognize that it wasn't without a really detailed inspection.

    Sure the burden is always on the buyer... but dishonest is dishonest and if you post pictures knowing you're trying to hide something or omitting something that you yourself would want to see if you were bidding, that's dishonest.
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    One man's opinion...

  8. #8
    Senior Member MikeT's Avatar
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    Definitely need the pics.
    Measurements so important.
    I recently tried to suggest to a seller about clear pics, and measurements and they gave a flippant response and blocked me! Lol

    I spent hours yesterday taking amazing pics of razors for sale, highlighting the defects so well that for a moment I wondered if it was too much detail... nope. Never.

    Always good to be straight forward and honest.
    I would not sell to someone if I knew they would not be content after seeing it in person.
    ***Not to be confused with buyers remorse.
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  9. #9
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    The photo is part of the description.

    If your description is vague - or blurry, I'm going to assume you are hiding something.

    Omission makes you either a thief or a lazy seller. I hate both.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    And another thing. There is a seller that gives his personal history. How he has written books and collected. Rarely gives any info on razor. I skip right past him.
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