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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    Default Is this a good deal?

    These 2 will make #3 and #4 blades, without me having my first shave yet. I love this shape of blade and am promising myself I will stop at 7 . I bought one shave ready from BST that should arrive today, one that is on its way to a honemeister, and these 2 will be my first resto projects. They all have this same shape and are similar in size. Ill read up on how to restore and rescale, and will probably have some questions along the way, that said, any suggestions (vague I know).

    Back to the title, does this seem like a decent price if they are restorable?
    Ill post pics as soon as I get them, I just paid before posting this.

    Thanks for all your help in other threads guys!!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Sarty24's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Thanked: 7


    $26 seems like a good price considering the rising price of razors, you'll have fun putting some work into those...and if it turns out to be poo, it's only $26...I did notice however that the scales have a chunk missing? Maybe my eyes are failing me

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