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Thread: ebay shipping ?

  1. #1
    Senior Member jscott's Avatar
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    Default ebay shipping ?

    i got a question on ebay shipping.

    i bought 3 items from a guy, he group'd them up and sent me a ebay bill. i paid the bill thru paypal with a confirmed shipping address.

    well, he sent me a note 3days after the sale and said the item was shipped priority USPS. i did not add in for insurance but it wasn't offered on the bill either. yippee, i was happy, not bad turn around. well, its 16days later now and the item isn't here. what should i do?

    the way i see it is similar to ordering from a catalog. i pay for an item. thats it, my end is complete. seller has my money. now its his responsibility to get the item at my door. if it doesn't show up here ill call him and tell him. send me a new one or refund the money. obviously with ebay there isn't another items the same here so he can't just send another. i figure i'll give it another week just incase the mail screwed up and its finding its way back here. though with 3day priority shipping it should have been here 13days ago. i wrote the seller and explained it wasn't here yet and asked him if he had any receipt number/tracking number or something i could follow up with the post office. he said no tracking and the receipt isnt a tracking for priority so that woudln't do any good either. this is true but copy the reciept and show me you sent it or something.

    so do i wait for the 30day time period and ask for my money back..if he says no since i dind't ask for insurance then what? file a greivance with ebay/paypal? how does that go about working?


  2. #2
    Senior Member ByronTodd's Avatar
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    Priority purchased via eBay/PayPal automatically has delivery confirmation. So he should be able to provide a tracking number at the very least. See here:

    Unless he just hasn't sent it. Tell him that if he sent it Priority Mail, you want the tracking number. If he can't or won't provide, start the eBay dispute. The earlier you start the dispute, the faster it will be resolved...

  3. #3
    JRJ is offline
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    I hate USPS. I have an ebay package that was shipped to me last month that I never received. The tracking actually said it's been delivered! The only thing the USPS ever delivers to me on time are my bills, go figure. If I cannot get my packages delivered via fedex or UPS I will pass on it from now on.


  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yes, USPS priority shipping, printed from eBay/PayPal, includes free delivery confirmation so your package should be trackable.

    Priority should arrive in 2-3 days (quoted delivery by USPS) but sometimes they are a bit S-L-O-W.

    See if your seller will privide you with the shipping label tracking number.


  5. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    What the others said - ask for the tracking number, you can then call USPS and have them check on it. In any case if no razors show up, i.e. there isn't a tracking number which indicates something was sent from his address and was delivered at yours, you can file a dispute with paypal (within 45 days iirc) and you'll get your money refunded.
    OTOH if you receive a package with broken razors and you didn't purchase insurance or it wasn't offered it'll probably be up to paypal to decide a dispute.

    So yes, at this point you should be communicating with the seller and obtain a tracking number from them. Once I had a package that was tracked all the way to my local post office. After it didn't get delivered for 2 days I called them and in few more days they were able to locate it and delivered it. I had another case where a razor got misrouted and I could see it going all over the country before it ended up with me 10 days later than normally. It was also the only razor I hope I never have to part with.

  6. #6
    RMV is offline
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    I would not hesitate to start filing with eBay/Paypal, once done the sender has to respond to it. This buyer's protection option did save my butt once. Don't wait for the end of the 45 days time limit, do it asap. Hope this helps. I too got a lot to say about USPS................. privatize it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    I would first contact seller and only if he does not answer after say 3-4 days or his answer is unsatisfactory would I file a dispute. I think that's also what ebay recommend.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  8. #8
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    Default Lost USPS

    Good advice about filing dispute with pay-pal. You basically have 60 days but, do it now. I ship worldwide with USPS and admit that most domestic Priority mail packages get there. Work with Pay-Pal. Good luck with the USPS. Their customer service is great unless you need them???????????................


  9. #9
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    A dispute through Paypal will get all your money back. Give the seller one more opportunity to explain/help & if he is uncooperative, then start the dispute.

    I am having Ebay trouble but the reverse situation: buyer was disappointed with his item so I refunded auction price + postage + return postage. Money has cleared into his account & now I can't get the rotten to respond to my emails
    Looks like he's happy: got all his money back, plus extra postage & the item as well
    Last edited by momma; 03-26-2008 at 12:32 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by momma View Post
    A dispute through Paypal will get all your money back. Give the seller one more opportunity to explain/help & if he is uncooperative, then start the dispute.

    I am having Ebay trouble but the reverse situation: buyer was disappointed with his item so I refunded auction price + postage + return postage. Money has cleared into his account & now I can't get the rotten to respond to my emails
    Looks like he's happy: got all his money back, plus extra postage & the item as well

    That's why I only refund the money when item is back safe and sound.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

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