It is often difficult to tell the condition of the blade from a photo and if the seller isn't knowledgeable, you just get a fair description. You take a gamble that you might get a bargain for a blade with a well-sought after maker.

I bought several eBay razors recently and, so far, many/most of the blades are real stinkers in terms of usability.

I bought three WBs and one looks like a railroad spike (admittedly it looked questionable in the photo, it was one of several in a group). The other has so much hone wear, I'll be very lucky if I get a 4/8 out of it.

Thus is the excitement of the 'Bay.

Anyhow, there is NO substitute for buying in person, IMO.

I almost hate to experiment or practice on a piece of steel with an otherwise good name but what else can you do with a blade that is too narrow to be honed or has so much strop wear you can't tell where the spine ends and the blade begins?

I guess you could start a new ebay sensation selling unique 3/8 shavers: "Fine detailed work for the distinguished gentleman."

Hmmm... Anyone want to hone my railroad spike?